The proposed 132 Rental Reforms to the Residential Tenancies Act 2018 have been implemented on March 29th 2021.
These include changes to the rules around tenant’s and landlord’s rights and responsibilities including pets, rent arrears, doors and windows, vacates and maintaining the property to a particular standard. Notably the key words used have also changed. Landlords are now referred to as Rental Providers and Tenants referred to as Renters.
The reforms were created after extensive research and analysis of data provided from the community and organisations directly related and impacted by housing in Victoria. Think compliance, protection and Fairer Safer Housing for all Victorians. Further information about how this information was gathered can be found at
Consumer Affairs website summarises the new reforms:
Some of the most common questions we are receiving are in response to the following reforms;
Pets in rental properties - this one is already in place Renters can keep pets at a rental property with the written consent of the rental provider. A rental provider can apply to VCAT for an order that it is reasonable to refuse permission.
New process for repeated late or non-payment of rent
When a renter pays back overdue rent within 14 days, any notice to vacate issued by the rental provider for that overdue rent is invalidated. This applies for the first four times it happens in a 12-month period. However, if the renter fails to pay rent as required on a fifth occasion in the same 12-month period, the rental provider may give a notice to vacate and apply to VCAT for a possession order. VCAT may adjourn the possession application and place renter on a payment plan to meet the outstanding arrears.
Rent increases can occur every 12 months.
Rental providers must give a valid reason to end a rental agreement
Rental providers (landlords) cannot issue a no specified reason notice to vacate. To end a rental agreement, rental providers must provide a valid reason such as sale, change of use or demolition of the rental property, or rental provider moving back into the rental property. 120 day notice to vacate will be removed, this was for “no particular reason”.
Evidence for change of use notice to vacate
Rental providers must attach documentary evidence to a notice to vacate for change of use. The Director of Consumer Affairs Victoria will specify the types of evidence that must be used, for example a building permit.
Notice to vacate for endangering safety
Rental providers can issue a notice to vacate if the renter or their visitor endangers the safety of neighbours, the rental provider or their agent, or a contractor or employee of either the rental provider or their agent.
New ground for issuing notice to vacate: threats and intimidation
Rental providers can give renters a 14-day notice to vacate if the renter, or any person occupying the rented property, has seriously threatened or ntimidated the rental provider or their agent, or a contractor or employee of either the rental provider or their agent.
Clarification for notice to vacate for damaging property
A notice to vacate can be issued where a renter or their visitor, by act or omission, intentionally or recklessly causes serious damage to the rented property, including to any safety equipment or common areas.
New options for renters claiming their bond
Renters can apply to the Residential Tenancies Bond Authority (RTBA), without the rental providers permission, to have all or part of their bond released.
Professional cleaning requirements
A term in a rental agreement can only require professional cleaning if it is needed to return the property to the condition it was in at the start of the rental agreement, taking into account fair wear and tear.
14-day notice of intention to vacate without lease break fees
Renters can give 14 days notice of intention to vacate without paying lease break fees in limited circumstances, including when they need special or personal care, have been given certain notices to vacate, need temporary crisis accommodation or have been accepted into social housing.
Death of the sole renter
After the death of the sole renter, either the legal personal representative or next of kin of the deceased renter can give a notice of intention to vacate, the rental provider can give a notice to vacate, or VCAT can make orders terminating the agreement.
Rental property must be kept in good repair and reasonably fit for
Rental providers (landlords) must ensure the rental property is provided and maintained in good repair and is in a reasonably fit and suitable condition for occupation. This applies regardless of the amount of rent paid or the property’s age and character.
Rental minimum standards
Rental providers have a duty to ensure their rental property meets the rental minimum standards. The minimum standards will be set in April 2020 following public consultation in November 2019 through Engage Victoria.
Non-compliance with minimum standards
Rental providers must ensure that the property complies with minimum standards before a renter moves in. If a property does not comply with the minimum standards, the renter can terminate the rental agreement before they move in, or they can request an urgent repair.
Expanded definition for urgent repairs
Urgent repairs now include repairs or replacements relating to air conditioning, safety devices and any fault or damage which makes the property unsafe or insecure, including pest infestations, or mould or damp caused by or related to the building structure.
Urgent repairs guidelines
The Director of Consumer Affairs Victoria will issue guidelines clarifying timeframes for responding to urgent repairs. VCAT must consider the guidelines when determining urgent repairs disputes.
Increased limit for urgent repairs reimbursement
The money limit for renters to authorise urgent repairs when their rental provider has not promptly responded to an urgent repair request has been increased.
Rental provider must pay renter back for cost of urgent repairs within 7 days
Rental providers must pay back renters for the cost of urgent repairs (or replacement if the fault cannot be repaired) within seven days of the renter giving written notice of the reasonable cost of the repairs.
Tenants can apply to VCAT to cease rental payments to the agency/landlord if urgent maintenance items are not attended to, the funds would then be paid into Rent Special Account until repairs are made.
New rules for renters making modifications to rented property
Renters can make prescribed modifications without the rental provider’s consent. There are other modifications which a rental provider cannot unreasonably refuse consent to renters making. What qualifies as a prescribed modification will be decided by April 2020 following public consultation in November 2019 through Engage Victoria.
Renters to leave property reasonably clean
Renters must leave the property reasonably clean and in the same condition as at the start of the rental agreement, taking into account fair wear and tear.
Records of gas and electrical safety checks
Rental providers must comply with prescribed requirements for keeping and producing records of gas and electrical safety checks conducted at the property.
Locks for external doors and windows
Rental providers must ensure that external doors are secured with a working deadlock and each window capable of having a lock has one. There are exceptions, for example if there is a screen door attached to an external door with a deadlock.
VCAT to determine parties liability where the agreement is terminated due to circumstances of family or personal violence
When terminating and/or creating a new agreement because of family or personal violence, VCAT may apportion liability between the victim, perpetrator and any other co-renters in relation to the bond, and any outstanding unpaid rent, utility charges and damage.
VCAT can determine bond liability in family or personal violence circumstances
When considering an application for the repayment of a bond, VCAT will be able to determine that a renter who is a victim of family or personal violence is not liable for any loss or damage caused by the actions of the alleged perpetrator (who is not a renter).
Moving to the new rental laws: some exceptions to existing rental agreements
Rental providers and renters who have existing rental agreements signed before 1 July 2020 will be exempt from some of the new rental laws until that agreement is terminated and a new agreement is signed.
Rental non-compliance register
Rental providers found by VCAT to have committed an offence or breached a duty under the Residential Tenancies Act 1997 will have their name, rental property address, and nature of their offence or compensation or compliance order made listed on the register available from the Consumer Affairs Victoria website.